Torino Incontra aims at directly promoting and supporting study and research activities on economic, social and cultural development of Piedmont. Publications are closely con-nected to conference and research activity and it is done by collecting research texts and conference proceedings, organized and promoted by Torino Incontra, here the titles:
After all is said and done
The book encloses Torino Incontra last report done in cooperation with the Gruppo Omero on the Olympics period. Following the publication of the volumes “Olympics and big events”, “Awaiting the Olympic Games”, “Olympics, beyond 2006” dealing with the eco-nomic, social and cultural impact of the Olympic experience on the territory and carrying out a research highlighting the Olympics post-effect and future forecast suggesting devel-opment prospects, because of this “A giochi fatti” was published. The text is available at Torino Incontra office.
Price 32,50€
The Olympic dream
The volume, a permanent memory with all the most short-lived structures made over the Olympic period, encloses pictures taken by the photographer Bruna Biamino. The book includes a number of essays commenting and dealing in depth with the Olympic topic. “Il Sogno dell'Olimpiade” is available at the Torino Incontra office.
Price 15,00€
The military Hospital a resource for Torino
The book regarding the post Olympic period Torino Incontra enlarged its series of publications sug-gesting the re-use of an amazing set of buildings making up the Military Hospital. This set of pavilions is not only connected to the city history of but is also an eye-catching architec-tural beauty.
Price 15,00€
Olympics, beyond 2006
The second report on the Torino 2006 Olympic territories. The third volume of the series promoted by Torino Incontra and totally focused on the Torino 2006 Games. The volume collects researches and studies carried out by the Omero Centre of the Torino University, on prospective strategies to adopt so as to get a “real Olympic legacy”.
Torino celebration
It collects conference proceeding of the conference cycles carrying the same titles and that took place between February and April 2004. The cost is 15,00 euro and it is on sale at Torino Incontra.
Polena is a four-monthly review on economic and political analysis published with the sup-port of Torino Incontra.
Price € 17,50
On Parks and Gardens
The volume collects the revised and corrected texts of the first batch of conferences cycle titled "I parchi torinesi tra piacere e progresso" (“Torino parks between enjoyment and evo-lution); it supports the richness and preciousness of Torino gardens. The volume is avail-able at Torino Incontra offices, Price 15,00€ (vol. 20).
The titles of publications >>